Wednesday 29 July 2015

Just doodling

My blog has been seriously neglected of late and I only seem to upload my Creative Tuesdays challenges, although I have been busy making fabric art which I will show next time.

In the interim have been picking up my pens again and doodling flowers.  This is a very theraputic exercise and great fun to do.  Just need to think how to fill with colour, I think in an abstract way.  These are as a result of joning Robin Mead's on-line class Make Your Mark.

Have a fun filled flower day!

Monday 13 July 2015

Creative Tuesdays - Little Critters

Another little animal theme over on the Creative Tuesdays blog for this coming Tuesday.  So still experimenting and trying to come to grips with watercolours I came up with this little kitten.  I hope you like him, although I think I gave him rather a long tail, artistic licence and all that.  Perhaps he will grow into it!

Looking for other Little Critters then check out the CT blog.
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