Sunday, 9 September 2012

Sunday Postcard Art - Memories

This week's memories, made me think of my summers as a little girl and that my treat was always a knickerblocker glory.  A huge icecream sundae which I would devour with relish and if I do get one now that I'm a grown up still do.

Painted on recycled cereal box card, envelope and wrapping paper with acrylics.

Go down other artist's memory lane at the Sunday Postcard Art blog.
Am also linking to Artists in Blogland show and tell saturday.


  1. what a lovely memory, and I love your picture. It's so, 'hot summer day'

  2. What a great postcard - Yum!

    Cindy :)

  3. A fun memory captured in your painting. My favorite treat was a banana split.


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